Story Time at Home theme is The Netherlands! If you would like to
share a picture of your story-time-at-home experience (i.e. You might
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Let's Visit The Netherlands Story Time
The First Tulips in Holland
by Phyllis Krasilovsky and
Steven D. Schindler
Cover image from Goodreads. |
The Boy Who Held Back
the Sea
by Lenny Hort, Thomas Locker
and Mary Maples Dodge
Cover image from Goodreads. |
Game/Activity: Study
the movement of windmills in an online video (try typing "windmills"
into YouTube for some choices). Then, placing your arms out at your
sides, pretend to be a windmill. If it's not too cold out, bundle up,
and try this activity outside where you can feel the real wind blowing.
Snack: Enjoy a snack that reminds you of Holland! Try a Dutch cheese, like Gouda, on crackers, or buy some cute windmill cookies.
Craft: The
Netherlands is internationally known for its beautiful flowers,
particularly its tulips. Here's how to make some tulips that won't
- Gather an unused egg carton, scissors, sturdy tape, and several pipecleaners.
- Cut the egg carton cups apart, so they resemble tulip blossoms.
- Poke a pipecleaner through the bottom of each cup to represent the flower’s stem.
- Tape the pipecleaner in place with sturdy tape.
hope you enjoyed this idea for how you can recreate story time at home!
Check back in a few days for more fun, travel-themed ideas focusing on
a new area of the world!
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